Jisun Myung
Permanent Artist in Residence
Jisun's Bio
Jisun Myung is a food performance artist who leads community based food projects with 2 cups of love and a sprinkle of humor. She believes feeding people with good food - whether literally or metaphorically - is an act of love. Her main goal is to encourage people to be creative and curious about themselves and about others through food. Her most recent project that she is working on is the Miyeokguk (미ì—êµ, seaweed soup) Project - A performance of identities of Korean women diaspora and their reproduction stories.
She worked with the National Theatre for Korea, National Traditional Opera Company of Korea as a part of the directing team. In the USA, she worked as music director for Between Two Words (Dogear Theater Company), Reverse to Reveal (Grey Box Collective). She has been playing for dance classes at ASU since 2019. She performed in Out of Hiding (Grey Box Collective), Lysistrata (Virtual Theatre of Arizona), and Rabt (Directed by Muneera Batool and Hira Ismail).
Jisun is a co-founder of TAÏS (Theatre Artists for Inclusive Stories), a spontaneous theater group in 2020. She also worked with Free Arts for Abused Children of Arizona and Childsplay as a drama specialist/teaching artist.
Recently she has been accepted to a master course at The Workcenter of Jerzy Grotowski and Thomas Richards in Italy, will be working on her new piece of ‘home’ in 2022.
What is at the core of your work?
My work always starts with questions about Identity - who am I right now and how I navigate in this world? Where do I belong? It’s always hard to give a clean answer to those questions. So, my work is not an answer- rather, it is the process of me trying to embrace the ambiguity of my status. As I dig deeper into what it means to be in between, or being in two or more spaces, sometimes by the end of each project, nothing matters (or everything matters).
My main topics are - how do we become who we are today, Us vs Them, childhood memories, Love and Fear.
What do you believe your role is an artist?
To reveal what is unseen- or things that we believed unseen but have been there in our plain sight. To ensure that the most mundane thing could be the most essential thing to make art. To demonstrate that we are all the coexistence of contradiction ideas.